Seeds and Plants

Organic Gardening

Organic gardening can be really easy, you just need to know what plants work well with what you want to grow. Studies have shown that planting pest preventing plants around what you are growing will eliminate the need of harmful pesticides. Combining this with proper care, organic fertilizers and good soil building, Will result in happy thriving plants.

If you care about where you buy your seeds look at places like seeds by planting zone. These can help make sure you get the right seeds for your area and have a better garden.

Top 10 heirloom seed companies

  1. Seed Savers Exchange - Since 1975 - Non profit, selling herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers.
  2. Kusa Seed Society - Increasing our understanding of edible crops, including cereal, legumes, grans…
  3. Organic Seed Alliance - Specializing in Organic seeds
  4. Territorial Seed - Since 1986, Selling vegetables, plants, and gardening supplies
  5. High Mowing Organic Seeds - Since 1996, good quality organic seeds
  6. Terra Edibles
  7. Salt spring Seeds
  8. The Cottage Gardener
  9. Seeds of Victoria
  10. Solana Seeds